The Simplest Bitcoin Wallet!
Simply the fastest, cheapest way of accepting and sending BitcoinDownload it today, takes less than 30 seconds to setup and is completely free to use.
In fact we believe in the Bitcoin Lightning Network so much that we will send you 10 Satoshi just for trying it, email us your Lightning Network receive address.
Learn more about this wallet as well as its connection to Binance the worlds largest crypto exchange and one of the most influential companies in the Bitcoin space.
At Digital Asset Merchants Exchange we believe that Bitcoin can be viewed in two different formats, a Checking & Savings Account.
With Bitcoin there's on-chain and there's a second layer solution called the Lightning Network. You should view on-chain as your Savings Account and the Lightning Network as your Checking Account. The wallet above should be used strictly as your Checking Account and the exchange listed below should be viewed as your Savings Account.
Bitcoin is money! Bitcoin is money and the Lightning Network makes it ready for every day purchases. What is Bitcoin and how is it money? Two words for you, Decentralized Deflation.
Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency, the most decentralized and the most secure. It's run on math, an algorithm, and nobody can make more of
it. It has a maximum supply of 21,000,000 and there will never be
more. It has been built for everyday use, and now with the Lightning Network is has speeds comparable to
Visa, Mastercard and American Express, settling transactions in under a second and for a fraction of a penny.
is it money? Besides the transaction speed and the fact that it has a
maximum supply making it deflationary one can argue it is a store of
value. The definition
of a store of value according to Investopedia is it's an asset that
maintains its value without depreciating. With a maximum supply the
of Bitcoin will inevitably rise over time, as more and more people
use it
in many different use cases. Unlike fiat money like the US Dollar which
can be printed at will and is inflationary. To read more about the US
Dollar and its inflationary measures please see the end of this post.
Digital Asset Merchant Exchange we believe now is the time to not only
be your own bank but also to start saving money and free yourself from
the chains of inflation.
We have dedicated ourselves to do the research for you and bring you the most efficient way of using Bitcoin, from a business owner and consumers perspective!
Stated more simply I'm My Own Bank & I'm Loving It!
Business Owners
As business owners ourselves we understand that the majority of your customers
are paying you with their credit or debit cards these days. We also
understand that every time a customer swipes their card that Visa
charges you 3% - 4% per transaction. Imagine the impact on your bottom
line without that charge.
With Bitcoin the transactions are instant and a fraction of a penny. You're not sacrificing anything and you are recouping that 3% - 4%, which is going directly to your bottom line.
simple, quick and free to get started accepting Bitcoin over the Lightning Network. Within minutes
you can have your wallet setup on your smartphone. We recommend one of
the most secure and easy to use Bitcoin wallets available, just click iPhone or Android.
what about the volatility of Bitcoin? How can I avoid it? It's simple,
once a customer pays you in Bitcoin you can send it to a Crypto exchange
and sell it for US Dollars. Once you're holding US Dollars on the
exchange you can send the money to your bank whenever you wish, in the
meantime it will be stored in Dollars.
recommend one of the largest most secure exchanges in the US, one that
is fully compliant with US rules and regulations.
Download the world's largest and most secure Crypto exchange app.
Click here to open your exchange account.
What's the advantages of using Bitcoin to the consumer? One word, as listed above, Deflation. Bitcoin is a deflationary currency, over time its purchasing power will
increase, unlike the US Dollar. As you'll see in the charts below the
US Dollar's purchasing power has only declined because of inflation and
the printing of dollars. Stated earlier, nobody can make more Bitcoin, it
has a maximum supply and therefore is deflationary by design.
robs you of your wealth, of your purchasing power. Have you not
wondered why it's harder to make ends meet now more than ever? Why
things seem more expensive than years ago? As I'm sure you're aware of,
it's a direct result of inflation and what the Federal Reserve is doing
to the Dollar.
take control of our future, of our purchasing power. Download your
Bitcoin wallet today on your smartphone, it literally takes just a few
minutes and is completely free.

How do you acquire Bitcoin? As with our recommendation to business owners above we direct you to one of the largest and most secure Crypto exchanges in the world, they are fully compliant with all rules and regulations and it's simple to setup your account.
your account is setup you can buy yourself some Bitcoin and then send it
to your wallet to use when making purchases at merchants who accept Bitcoin. Or send some to your friends and family, whatever you want, it's

here to open your exchange account.
not just send from the exchange and not use the wallet to pay for goods
and services? Because the exchange has a protocol for withdrawal of
Crypto/Bitcoin, one that takes a few minutes and no merchant/business owner
is going to want to wait or have their customers wait several minutes
for the transaction to be confirmed. When you send Bitcoin from your
wallet to the merchant/business owner's wallet it is literally confirmed in less than one second.
hope that you not only find yourself saving money, gaining purchasing
power, over the long-term but we also hope that you enjoy using Bitcoin as
much as we do. Once you find joy in using it we hope that you share
your knowledge and experience with family and friends.
If you have any questions or problems setting up your wallet or account at the exchange please
email us or contact us on Twitter
About the US Dollar
Since 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created the
purchasing power of the US Dollar has declined by 96.17%.
How about in
more modern times?
2010 the purchasing power of the US Dollar has declined by 14.85%.
This is all thanks to inflation and the dollar being printed at will. (the above charts are from the Federal Reserve)
We recommend you read
either The Creature from Jekyll Island or it's shorter version Dishonest
Money Financing the Road to Ruin. Both books clearly lay out the
beginnings of the Federal Reserve and its impact on the US Dollar. It
will open up your eyes to what is really happening to your wealth!
This is not investment advice and in no manner should be thought of as
investment advice. It is simply to spread the word about the advantages
of using Bitcoin as money, as currency, in your everyday life.